Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'LDC VARIOUS KOTTAYAM AND WAYANAD TAMIL' And exam conducted in the year 2017-T. And Question paper code was '095/2017-T'. Medium of question paper was in Tamil and English (containing Tamil questions) . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.
English Grammar :
Ouestion earry one mark سی
( he right answer from the options give
81. ×0 would have ۰8 ve would | 1
(^) Had you beer (B) Iy d
) ٢۱۴×۷ 4 D) If you would ।
(ಗ) we (8) ५५८ \ ⊽
⊔↴↴↴↼∖↴↴∼⋅⋅↘ ↴⋯⇁⋯⋅∖↴↻↴↴
83. failed in hi ೧! to disperse th we the misereants sets the fire on the bu
( 0 10 6 (8) setting fire on the by
0 ۱1 (0) set the fir
84, Y ९ 1 meditation sec be of help modern 1 1 women deal effectively wit
(५) जल्ला to he (8) *seems to he helping
(6) ےد | (D) قمعي 1o help
85 36 11181 0! tl
കു നന്നേ e man feeding t
(ര അഴ 1€ g 2 the (|
86. Joln said, “1 ४ Speech)
(५५) [जषा
(ठ) John
(८) John
(೧) 100
87. W 5 16 our watch
வட் (0) 8
(¢) اعد (0) f
ളള. I pre offe ५४,
(५) B)
(( 0 0) 9٥
89. Mistukes are for us to change
ക 11 (8) एल
(C) بط (D) पीला
൭൫. Usé the correct te
1 1 vo hours ബര് | am now tired
(A d bee rking (B) 1 he ७
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4 13 095/2017-T