Kerala PSC Previous Years Question Paper & Answer

Question Code : A


Below are the scanned copy of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) Question Paper with answer keys of Exam Name 'HIGH SCHOOL ASSISTANT NATURAL SCIENCE TAMIL MEDIUM EDUCATION' And exam conducted in the year 2017. And Question paper code was '102/2017'. Medium of question paper was in Malayalam or English . Booklet Alphacode was 'A'. Answer keys are given at the bottom, but we suggest you to try answering the questions yourself and compare the key along wih to check your performance. Because we would like you to do and practice by yourself.

page: 1 out of 14
Excerpt of Question Code: 102/2017

102/2017 O L 0

Question Booklet — Question Bookiet
! A Serial Number 100561
Alpha Code ‏.ہت ہا‎ S
| Total Number of Questions : 100 ‏کت‎ 75 Minutes|


Maximum Marks : 100

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[1837750705 70 ۵۸۸۵۱5۸758. |

will ba given 1೧ 175 101771 0! a Question Bookial Thare will be 100೯ ೪೦೦೧೫ ೦1
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question booklet.

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Tho Quastion Booklel Alpha Code aliotied to yois will bo 099 1 9 seating posilion [1 106
Examinafion Hal

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The Guestion Booklet Sar
question baakiet is un-numi

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The question bookiet
question booklct, un

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॥ 06 sealad at the middts of the right margin, Garic
the indication is given 10 start answaring

Immadiately after tha cammencomant of tho examination, the candidats should check ഒ
4406107 Rookiet supplied Lo him contains all the 100 questions in serial ordar. The question buoklet
ಕ 1೧1 have unprinted ortam or missing pages and ff 50 ha/she should bring it 1o the natice of the
സില ಆಗ aet it replaced by a complots boakiot with same alpha codw, This is most IMponant

A Blank

| ஷன is atiachedt o the question bookis!. This may be used for rough wrk

Please read carefuilly all th instructions on the reverse of the Answer Sheet before marking
your answers,

Each question is provicded with fou
൦ 818/07 2೧ರ ೮

1೧೮ ೦೦೧೯೫/
Ball Point Pan in the ON

correct answar. Choose
Blue or Black

chaices (A}, (B), (C)and (D) having on
rken the bubbla carresponding to the question number usir
3 Answer Sheet

Each correct answer carries 1 mark and for cach wrang answer 1/3 mark will be deducted. No
negative mark for unatiended questions.

No candidate will ba allowed to laava the examination hall til the end of the Sessicn ar
handing over his/iat Answar Sheel to the Invigiiaior. Candidates should ensure சின (19 [ന
pae 2 9 entries in the Register Numbar Goding Sheet and that the nvigilaie
his/her signature in the spara provided

ons Is essential. Any malpractice or aftempt to commit any kind of
ation will result in the disqualilicalion of the candidate.

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